Command Sat Logic
- Automated flow generation for significant change detection capabilities in military equipment, aircraft and vessels numbers, positions, and Infrastructural changes
- Weather and daytime independent monitoring and forecast flow coordination.
- Field teams’ coordination and support on Segmentation of landscape and cities into i.e. automatic pools counting and flow generation for tax authorities.
- Coordination and control on emergency, evacuation activities intelligence support and planning by understanding the pattern of life, accounting the Illegal construction, border crossing and migration monitoring.
- Competent authorities’ coordination in border crossing incidents by automated cars and trucks detection, alerts for car and truck numbers
- Instant alert and flow generation for maritime and coast guard for identified unidentified ships, pirate ships, illegal fishing , smugglers ships, Illegal penetration of EEZ, disguised vessels for maritime sabotage.
- Integration of Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT) capabilities for material detection for containers, storage tanks, aircraft, helicopters, extracting data to field teams for incident management.